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Autor(i): , ,


Colecția: Methodology, Books for Teachers

Nr. pagini: 176 pagini

Limba: engleza

ISBN: 0435240889

Categorii: ELT, Limbi Străine, Limba Engleza


The Teacher Development Series - a series for teachers, trainers and academic managers. This series will promote development by dealing with professional topics in a personal way. The aim is to deepen understanding, raise self-awareness and encourage self-direction and choice. INSIDE TEACHING helps you take a constructively critical view of your own teaching and of the theories and recommendations of others: - views of teachers and learners presented and evaluated; - activities to challenge established ways of thought and action; - insight into your personal teaching theory. INSIDE TEACHING encourages you to become your own expert. It offers guidelines for self-directed action, experiment and creative risk-taking.

Comandă online Inside Teaching (General - Methodology, Books for Teachers) la 99,50 lei scrisă de Jonathan Marks , Tim Bowen , Adrian Underhill, tiparită la editura MACMILLAN face parte din colecția Methodology, Books for Teachers. cu plata ramburs sau online cu cardul. Momentan titlul Inside Teaching (General - Methodology, Books for Teachers) nu este disponibil însa vă puteți înscrie pentru a fi notificat în momenul reaprovizionarii.