Disponibilitate: în 8 zile
Preț: 80,00 LEI
Produs disponibil la cerere: va fi adus în aproximativ 8 zile.ISBN: 9786064402493
Autor(i): Klaus Iohannis
Traducător(i): jean ambuter harris
Editura: Curtea Veche
Anul apariției: 2019
Nr. pagini: 392 pagini
Stare: nefolosita (noua)
Categorii: Istorie, Carte nefolosită
The book offers readers the information they need to become involved European citizens together with tools for outlining an articulate position on the European Union, now and for the future.
Romanian president Klaus Iohannis’ book is required reading this year. Romania takes over the presidency of the European Council. There will be European Parliamentary elections in May (2019). Europe, moreover, is determined to become more and more aware of its strategic roles as a result of the internal unrest now testing the unity of the European Union, Europe’s long-cherished ideal. Writing this book was a necessary gesture.
Everyone knows something about the European Union, but there has been no balanced, structured, concise guide to accessibly answer a wide array of questions. EU.ro approaches the simplest notions while providing historical information about the community project. Addressing the information deficit, An Open Dialog includes in depth discussion of problematic issues related to present difficulties in implementing the Union’s ideals.
An historic solution designed to prevent destruction on the scale of World War II, the European Union has proved its worth for almost seventy years. At this crossroads moment, Romania’s President Klaus Iohannis explains the values that define the Union and that have led to the longest period of peace in the history of the continent. Discussion ranges from the importance of the Eastern Flank to what Romania’s participation in the community project involves. This is, above all, a convincing plea for civic spirit and responsibility.
Comandă online EU.RO la 80,00 lei isbn 9786064402493 scrisă de Klaus Iohannis jean ambuter harris, tiparită la editura Curtea Veche. Cartea poate fi livrată în circa 8 zile cu plata ramburs sau online cu cardul.
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