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Preț:  43,89 LEI

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Colecția: Carti Cardinale

Anul apariției: 2017

Nr. pagini: 200 pagini

Tip copertă: brosata

ISBN: 9786067104714

Stare: nefolosita (noua)

Categorii: Carte nefolosită, Beletristica, Eseuri, Sociologie


In addition to being a symbol of the Russian Revolution, a classic of Marxism and an important figure in history, Lenin seems to have been a decisive actor in smaller, more lateral, but essential episodes of European life. Dominique Noguez proposes here one of the most read, best researched and most sarcastic books on alternative history in recent decades. She follows Lenin through the bars of Zurich, then to Cabaret Voltaire, where the future revolutionary drinks, sings and writes side by side with the avant-garde, even managing to give the name of the future movement: DADA. So that in the end to find out - following a research that seems more and more improbable the more accurate - not only that some of Tristan Tzara's poems were written by Lenin, but that the Russian Revolution was itself a great Dadaist act.

"Dominique Noguez, using materials from solid archives that she uses with a bourgeois mastery, starts from a true biographical event to explain how the Russian Revolution is par excellence the dada event of the twentieth century." Le Figaro

"A study novel, which could not be more serious in its devastating humor. Great idea, isn't it? Yes! Yes!" The French Courier

Comandă online Lenin Dada la 43,89 lei scrisă de Dominique Noguez Raluca Dinca, tiparită la editura Art. Cartea poate fi livrată în circa 2 zile cu plata ramburs sau online cu cardul.