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New life of the legendary French queen, Marie Antoinette, which goes beyond the image of the vacuous uncaring aristo, to reveal a woman who was a passionate patron of the arts, and who was the victim of several personal and political slurs and hate campaigns, eventually resulting in her death at the guillotine. "There has long been the need for an authoritative biography of France's last queen. Now, finally, Antonia Fraser has completed the task" Amanda Foreman, }The Observer{. 48 colour plates

Comandă online Marie Antoinette la 89,94 lei scrisă de Antonia Fraser, tiparită la editura PHOENIX HOUSE în anul 2002. cu plata ramburs sau online cu cardul. Momentan titlul Marie Antoinette nu este disponibil însa vă puteți înscrie pentru a fi notificat în momenul reaprovizionarii.