Disponibilitate:  nedisponibila

Preț:  74,00 LEI

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• 15,90 lei - prin Curier rapid (gratuit pentru produse de anticariat peste 69,00 lei / comandă)
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Colecția: Playtime

Anul apariției: 2011

Nr. pagini: 155 pagini

Limba: engleza

ISBN: 9780194046596

Categorii: Engleza pentru copii, Limba Engleza, Limbi Străine


Description: The fun, new three-level British English course with fully integrated DVD motivating pre-schoolers to learn through memorable stories and songs.

This great new series focuses on the real-life pre-school environment, a familiar setting for little ones to start learning English through other subjects.

Monkey (the puppet) starts every lesson in a fun way and the children's enthusiasm for English builds from the beginning.

Through easy-to-follow classroom routines for each lesson children also learn to develop good habits and good behaviour.

Playtime's lively stories present natural language in familiar contexts - using integrated DVD as well.

Key features:
• Playtime appeals to all styles of learning, embodied in the four playful, child characters - Rocket, Twig, Star and Melody.
• The teacher is provided with the widest variety of flexible components in a pre-school course, including DVDs
• Children are introduced to each story by a friendly monkey puppet who guides their repeated contact with the language through memorable songs, story songs, digital classroom resources and craft-based activities.
• The cross-curricular approach helps learners explore their first experience of English through other subjects and see English in a real-life British context through photographs and DVD
• Parents and learners are supported by a website with additional practice and content - building on a child's learning in school at home
• There are over 60 core lessons for Levels A and B which can be boosted by an extra 30 lessons in the Work Book.

Comandă online Playtime Starter Teacher's Book la 74,00 lei scrisă de Claire Selby, tiparită la editura Oxford University Press face parte din colecția Playtime. cu plata ramburs sau online cu cardul. Momentan titlul Playtime Starter Teacher's Book nu este disponibil însa vă puteți înscrie pentru a fi notificat în momenul reaprovizionarii.