Disponibilitate:  nedisponibila

Preț:  47,00 LEI

Modalitați de transport:
• 15,90 lei - prin Curier rapid (gratuit pentru produse de anticariat peste 69,00 lei / comandă)
• 13,90 lei - prin Easybox Sameday (gratuit pentru produse de anticariat peste 69,00 lei / comandă)

Autor(i): ,


Colecția: Join Us

Anul apariției: 2006

Limba: engleza

Suport: CD

ISBN: 9780521679411

Categorii: Engleza incepatori, Limba Engleza, Limbi Străine


Join Us for English is a restructured and fully updated edition of the successful Join In. This course for young learners provides a motivating and enjoyable way to learn English. Join Us for English has five levels (Starter, 1, 2, 3 and 4) and includes many new topics, picture stories and songs.

This revised course ties in with Common European Framework guidelines, creating opportunities for self-assessment and portfolio building. It includes new culture pages, 'Project Time' and writing activities from level 2 onwards, plus a Language Portfolio for each level. 'Look!' sections in each module highlight key grammar structures.

Join Us for English is easy for the teacher to use and fun for the class. Children will love joining in the songs and action stories with Pit and Pat the wizards, Toby the Tiger and Magic the Cat. A range of components including videos and flashcards, provide additional activities and practice.

Comandă online Join Us for English 3 Songs Audio CD la 47,00 lei scrisă de Gunter Gerngross , Herbert Puchta, tiparită la editura Cambridge face parte din colecția Join Us. cu plata ramburs sau online cu cardul. Momentan titlul Join Us for English 3 Songs Audio CD nu este disponibil însa vă puteți înscrie pentru a fi notificat în momenul reaprovizionarii.