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Preț:  39,00 LEI

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Limba: engleza

ISBN: 9781906427528

Categorii: Teenage, Carte straină


Jody loves Jackson Gatlin. At his only UK rock concert, she's right at the front. But when she's caught in the crush and carried back stage she has more than concussion to contend with. Throw in a menacing manager, a super-wired super-star, and a curly-wurly, and she finds herself taking home more than just a poster.
A new novel from the author of }Pretty Bad Things{, this is a tale of rock star obsession gone nuts. Rock star Jackson Gatlin is accidentally kidnapped by one of his fans. Sharply explores the fantasy and reality of celebrity culture through a teenager's eyes, and will appeal to fans of Nick Hornby. Ages: 14+

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