Disponibilitate: nedisponibila
Disponibilitate: nedisponibila
Preț: 87,00 LEI
Autor(i): Sally Logan , Craig Thaine
Editura: Cambridge
Colecția: Cambridge English Skills
Anul apariției: 2009
Nr. pagini: 112 pagini
Limba: engleza
ISBN: 9780521702003
Categorii: Engleza avansati, Limba Engleza, Limbi Străine
Do you feel unprepared for everyday life in an English-speaking
world? Then Real Speaking & Listening is just what you need.
You can develop the skills you need to write confindently while
travelling, studying, at work or just chatting with English-speaking
friends. Activites based the around the themes of Social and Travel
and Work and Study cover a range of everyday situations and really
help you to feel sure of the English you're using in your daily life.
Comandă online Real Listening and Speaking 2 with answers (with two audio CDs) la 87,00 lei scrisă de Sally Logan , Craig Thaine, tiparită la editura Cambridge face parte din colecția Cambridge English Skills. cu plata ramburs sau online cu cardul. Momentan titlul Real Listening and Speaking 2 with answers (with two audio CDs) nu este disponibil însa vă puteți înscrie pentru a fi notificat în momenul reaprovizionarii.
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