(promoție valabilă în zilele de 29 și 30 noiembrie 2024)

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Preț:  423,00 LEI

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Autor(i): , , ,


Colecția: Scrinium: Revue de patrologie, d’hagiographie critique et d’histoire ecclesiastique

Anul apariției: 2009

Nr. pagini: 418 pagini

Limba: engleza

Tip copertă: tare

ISBN: 9781607240815

Categorii: Istorie, Istoria religiilor, Religie


Scrinium. Revue de patrologie, d’hagiographie critique et d’histoire ecclésiastique, established in 2005, is an international multilingual scholarly periodical devoted to patristics, critical hagiography, and Church history. Its scope is the ancient and medieval Christian Church worldwide, but primarily Eastern/Oriental Christianity and Christian Origins. It is published annually, in both printed and electronic forms, ranging from 400 to 550 pages per volume. Each volume is focused on a specific subject (covering not less than 60% of the whole volume) that is announced in the individual title of each volume. Two supplement series (established in 2008) contain monographs and edited volumes on medieval Christianity (in the series “Scripta ecclesiastica”) and Christian Origins, Second Temple and non-Rabbinical Judaism, including the afterlife of the Second Temple Jewish traditions in Christianity (in the series “Orientalia Judaica Christiana”). This volume is dedicated to Ethiopian Christianity and Ethiopian linguistics.

Language: Russian, English, Italian, & German.

Comandă online Varia Aethiopica. In Memory of Sevir B. Chernetsov (1943-2005) (Scrinium: Revue de patrologie, d'hagiographie critique et d'histoire ecclesiastique 1) la 423,00 lei scrisă de D. Nosnitsin , S. Frantsouzoff , L. Kogan , B. Lourie, tiparită la editura Gorgias Press face parte din colecția Scrinium: Revue de patrologie, d’hagiographie critique et d’histoire ecclesiastique. cu plata ramburs sau online cu cardul. Momentan titlul Varia Aethiopica. In Memory of Sevir B. Chernetsov (1943-2005) (Scrinium: Revue de patrologie, d'hagiographie critique et d'histoire ecclesiastique 1) nu este disponibil însa vă puteți înscrie pentru a fi notificat în momenul reaprovizionarii.