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Preț:  119,00 LEI

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Anul apariției: 2009

Nr. pagini: 400 pagini

Limba: engleza

Tip copertă: tare

ISBN: 9781405337380

Categorii: Sport.Timp liber, Carte straină


Whether you want to bend it like Beckham, dribble like Ronaldinho, or just marvel at the world’s best teams and competitions, The Football Book is the ultimate visual guide to planet football, illustrating every aspect of the sport more clearly, and in more detail, than any other book has done before.

Containing a survey of the world of football, details of how the game is played and a fascinating illustrated journey across more than 55 of the world's best footballing nations, this book is one no football fan should be without.

Throughout the book, double-page spreads highlight the great matches, stadiums, and moments that have shaped football. This, together with a wealth of entertaining stories, stats, and quotes on all aspects of the game make this book a football lover’s dream read.

Comandă online The Football Book la 119,00 lei, tiparită la editura Dorling Kindersley în anul 2009 cu un număr de 400 pagini. cu plata ramburs sau online cu cardul. Momentan titlul The Football Book nu este disponibil însa vă puteți înscrie pentru a fi notificat în momenul reaprovizionarii.