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Preț:  115,00 LEI

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Nr. pagini: 348 pagini

ISBN: 9780521756709

Categorii: Politica, Carte straină



1. Introduction; 2. Prosecutions of heads of state in Europe Ellen L. Lutz; 3. Prosecutions of heads of state in Latin America Naomi Roht-Arriaza; 4. The multiple prosecutions of Augusto Pinochet Naomi Roht-Arriaza; 5. A leader takes flight: the indictment of Alberto Fujimori Ronald Gamarra; 6. Charm and punishment: how Joseph Estrada, the Philippines' leading man, became its most famous prisoner Abby Wood; 7. Shifting legitimacy: the trials of Frederick Chiluba Paul Lewis; 8. A justice 'trickle-down': Rwanda's first post-genocide president on trial Lars Waldorf; 9. Justice squandered? The trial of Slobodan Milošević Emir Suljagic; 10. A big man in a small cell: Charles Taylor and the special court for Sierra Leone Abdul Tejan Cole; 11. Political pedagogy, Baghdad style: the Dujail trial of Saddam Hussein Miranda Sissons and Marieke Wierda; 12. Conclusion Ellen L. Lutz and Caitlin Reiger.


Since 1990, 65 former heads of state or government have been legitimately prosecuted for serious human rights or financial crimes. Many of these leaders were brought to trial in reasonably free and fair judicial processes, and some served time in prison as a result. This book explores the reasons for the meteoric rise in trials of senior leaders and the motivations, public dramas, and intrigues that accompanied efforts to bring them to justice. Drawing on an analysis of the 65 cases, the book examines the emergence of regional trends in Europe and Latin America and contains case studies of high-profile trials of former government leaders: Augusto Pinochet (Chile), Alberto Fujimori (Peru), Slobodan Milosevic (former Yugoslavia), Charles Taylor (Liberia and Sierra Leone), and Saddam Hussein (Iraq) – studies written by experts who closely followed their cases and their impacts on wider societies. This is the only book that examines the rise in the number of domestic and international trials globally and tells the tales in readable prose and with fascinating details.

• Covers some of the best known trials of heads of state or government • Breaks new ground by discussing why states are increasingly willing to try their former leaders for human rights offences and financial crimes

Comandă online Prosecuting Heads of State la 115,00 lei scrisă de Caitlin Reiger, tiparită la editura Cambridge cu un număr de 348 pagini. cu plata ramburs sau online cu cardul. Momentan titlul Prosecuting Heads of State nu este disponibil însa vă puteți înscrie pentru a fi notificat în momenul reaprovizionarii.