Disponibilitate:  nedisponibila

Preț:  202,50 LEI

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Autor(i): ,


Anul apariției: 2008

Nr. pagini: 400 pagini

Limba: engleza

Tip copertă: tare

ISBN: 978-0007242344

Categorii: Carte straină, Carte straină


This classic guide to the butterflies of Britain and northern Europe enters its third edition as part of the authoritative Collins Guide series. This comprehensive guide to the butterflies of Britain and Europe features over 400 species, depicting both male and female insects. Species descriptions include details on taxonomic nomenclature, distribution, flight period, variation, habitat, behaviour and life cycle. Subspecies are included where there is significant variation, and distribution maps accompany each widespread species. Illustrated by Richard Lewington, the world's leading butterfly illustrator, this is an ideal field guide for travelling naturalists and butterfly enthusiasts alike and is an essential addition to every nature lover's bookshelves.

Comandă online Collins Butterfly Guide: The Most Complete Field Guide to the Butterflies of Britain and Europe la 202,50 lei scrisă de Tom Tolman , Richard Lewington, tiparită la editura Harper Collins UK în anul 2008. cu plata ramburs sau online cu cardul. Momentan titlul Collins Butterfly Guide: The Most Complete Field Guide to the Butterflies of Britain and Europe nu este disponibil însa vă puteți înscrie pentru a fi notificat în momenul reaprovizionarii.