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Preț:  149,50 LEI

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Anul apariției: 2005

Limba: engleza

ISBN: 9781405341233

Categorii: Arta, Carte straină


Limba engl

This book lets you develop your drawing talents and re-discover the world around you. It is now in paperback. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, be inspired to pick up a pencil, pen or charcoal with this comprehensive guide to drawing from Sarah Simblet. From still life to architecture, you can learn to tackle different subjects in a variety of ways following step-by-step instructions in drawing classes which will take you through the basics to more advanced techniques. From quick pencil sketches to finished colour studies Sarah Simblet brings her expertise as an artist and teacher, using her own inspirational work as well as famous masters to demonstrate the 'how to' aspects of drawing. Whatever your ability, it's never been easier to master the art of drawing

Comandă online THE DRAWING BOOK la 149,50 lei scrisă de Sarah Simblet, tiparită la editura Dorling Kindersley în anul 2005. cu plata ramburs sau online cu cardul. Momentan titlul THE DRAWING BOOK nu este disponibil însa vă puteți înscrie pentru a fi notificat în momenul reaprovizionarii.