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Preț:  129,50 LEI

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Limba: engleza

ISBN: 9781405316279

Categorii: Turism, Carte straină


This is a spectacular and lavish portrait of China, the world's oldest civilization - past, present and future. You can take an incredible journey to today's China and beyond from the comfort of your armchair. Seven hundred never-seen-before photographs combine to create a revealing portrait of this extraordinary country. You can explore every aspect of the world's oldest civilization; from China's stunning landscapes, extraordinary 4,000 year history to ancient philosophical traditions which are still alive today. You can find out what it's like to live there now and meet with people from all walks of Chinese society. Plus, take a 'virtual tour' of some of the country's most incredible architecture and explore the exteriors and interiors of its ancient and modern buildings. With a sumptuous deep red and gold silk cover this makes a lovely keepsake.

Comandă online CHINA: A PORTRAIT OF THE PEOPLE, PLACE AND CULTURE la 129,50 lei, tiparită la editura Penguin Books în limba engleza isbn 9781405316279. cu plata ramburs sau online cu cardul. Momentan titlul CHINA: A PORTRAIT OF THE PEOPLE, PLACE AND CULTURE nu este disponibil însa vă puteți înscrie pentru a fi notificat în momenul reaprovizionarii.