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Preț:  189,00 LEI

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Nr. pagini: 320 pagini

ISBN: 9781862058330

Categorii: Gastronomie, Carte straină, Gastronomie, Diverse


Fish is currently the rockstar ingredient - prized for its healthy benefits - but there is still a lot of fear surrounding its preparation and cooking. Mitch Tonks' book breaks down that barrier by being a modern, approachable and comprehensive guide to buying, preparing and cooking fish and seafood.Global in outlook, a species-by-species breakdown will detail how to buy fish, where it is in season (including the different names fish are given globally to aid sourcing), how to prepare it and offer a selection of delicious recipe ideas.There is also a section on fish logistics, so readers understand what is good to buy frozen and how this fits the global resource message. With fishing methods and the issue of depleted stocks in sharp focus, Mitch also explains the paramount importance of eating fish in season.With reportage photography documenting Mitch's daily life on the docks of Brixham fishing port and peppered with stories and anecdotes from fishing communities, this book is a delight to read as well as an essential manual. Packed with over 100 delicious recipes and stunning food photography, it will tempt fish lovers the world over.

Comandă online FISH. THE COMPLETE COMPANION la 189,00 lei scrisă de MITCHELL TONKS, tiparită la editura Harper Collins cu un număr de 320 pagini. cu plata ramburs sau online cu cardul. Momentan titlul FISH. THE COMPLETE COMPANION nu este disponibil însa vă puteți înscrie pentru a fi notificat în momenul reaprovizionarii.