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Colecția: Icons

Limba: engleza

ISBN: 978-3-8228-4041-2

Categorii: Internet, Web Design / Web Editor, Arhitectura - Design, Calculatoare / IT, Carte straină


When you surf the net and find a particular website you like, you probably ask yourself who designed it, and how. Brains are the most important assets for making the web dynamic and interesting. The use of the right tools can create the right interface for the right person, product or company. You have to find the right people that will do the right thing for you or to serve as the best example for what you need.

This book, in its compact format, displays 90 of the most prominentinteractive studios worldwide: web firms that have worked out creative solutions for big and small customers all around the globe. Being an interactive agency doesn't just mean focusing on interactive solutions. It has much more to do with the way these professionals think and execute their tasks. When you make work for the web, you have to think differently than when you work for print or film, for example. You may even work for all od themm as some studios indeed do, but working online demands a specific mindset.

WEB DESIGN: BEST STUDIOS is the first installment of a compact book series that highlights the best of the web. The web design titles serve as a reference for the best ideas, trendsetters, design, navigation concepts, etc. No matter where the web is involved in your work, they provide solutions.

Comandă online WEB DESIGN:STUDIOS la 59,99 lei scrisă de JULIUS WIEDEMANN, tiparită la editura Taschen face parte din colecția Icons. cu plata ramburs sau online cu cardul. Momentan titlul WEB DESIGN:STUDIOS nu este disponibil însa vă puteți înscrie pentru a fi notificat în momenul reaprovizionarii.