Disponibilitate:  nedisponibila

Preț:  505,00 LEI

Modalitați de transport:
• 15,90 lei - prin Curier rapid (gratuit pentru produse de anticariat peste 69,00 lei / comandă)
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Autor(i): ,


Anul apariției: 2000

Tip copertă: tare

ISBN: 9780198299189

Categorii: Drept, Carte straină


This is the third volume of a new series entitled `Current Legal Issues' that is to be published each Summer as a sister volume to `Current Legal Problems'. The third volume considers the many areas where medicine intersects with the law. Advances in medical research, reproductive science and genetic research give rise to ethical and legal issues that are well-known. At the same time changes in health care funding call into question the rights of patients, whilst a rise in medical negligence litigation calls into question the doctor's duty of care. All of these important and changing facets of law and medicine are reflected in this collection.

Comandă online Law and Medicine Current Legal Issues Volume 3 la 505,00 lei scrisă de Michael Freeman , Andrew Lewis, tiparită la editura Oxford University Press în anul 2000. cu plata ramburs sau online cu cardul. Momentan titlul Law and Medicine Current Legal Issues Volume 3 nu este disponibil însa vă puteți înscrie pentru a fi notificat în momenul reaprovizionarii.