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Preț:  49,99 LEI

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Anul apariției: 2001

Nr. pagini: 640 pagini

ISBN: 9788820804169

Categorii: Arhitectura - Design, Carte straină


This new book documents an architecture competition staged as part of the Venice Biennial's 7th International Architecture Exhibition. The objective of the competition was to identify and establish a ''map'' of the current condition of architecture and its teaching in schools. Open to students and architects--and only on-line--the instructions for participants were to submit four digital images, illustrating the proposed idea of a city for the third millennium. Almost all of the proposals fall into three overarching categories: first, ''green'' cities responding to environmental issues, second, cities oriented towards the possibilities of new technologies, and third, cities that address the afflictions of global capitalism--refugees, migrants, rising levels of poverty, and new social conflicts. This beautifully designed new book documents the best of the entries, and also includes a CD-ROM.

Comandă online Citta: Third Millennium International Competition of Ideas la 49,99 lei, tiparită la editura Actar în anul 2001 cu un număr de 640 pagini. cu plata ramburs sau online cu cardul. Momentan titlul Citta: Third Millennium International Competition of Ideas nu este disponibil însa vă puteți înscrie pentru a fi notificat în momenul reaprovizionarii.